This dataset provides the raw cumulative categorisation data on the projects selected for support as reported in ERDF/CF/ESF programme final implementation reports (FIR) as presented in the closure documentation. The dataset is the best approximation of thematic content of what was financed during 2007-2013.
Each row presents a volume of EU support allocated to selected projects along with a combination of categorisation dimension codes. The Categorisation information system 2007-2013 was composed of 5 dimension providing information on:
- Priority themes (activities supported)
- Form of Finance
- Territorial context
- Location (NUTS codes)
- Economic Dimension
This raw data is of interest because it allows cross analysis of the different dimensions to answer questions such as:
- Which industries were supported under enterprise support measures? - (Comparing Priority themes vs Economic dimension)
- What sectors benefited from support to research activities
- What form of finance was used to deliver support to energy efficiency measures? - (comparing form of finance vs Priority theme)
More background information on the categorisation system 2007-2013 is available here: version of this data as at the end of 2014 was previously published here: The planned categorisation amounts under certain dimension were also published in dataset for end-2008 and end-2015 :