- Updated
- March 17, 2025
- Data Last Updated
- March 17, 2025
- Metadata Last Updated
- January 14, 2025
- Date Created
- July 16, 2019
- Views
- 367
- Downloads
- 544
- Data Provided by
- European Commission
- Dataset Owner
- John W
Category | 2014 / 2020 |
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Category | 2014 / 2020 |
Tags |
Description | |||
2-digit Abbreviation for the name of the Member State (ex: BE for Belgium, TC for Interreg). The two-digit country codes conform to the ISO 3166 (International Organisation of Standardisation), with the exception of the United Kingdom which is coded as UK. | ms | ||
Name of the ESI funds and the pre-accession instruments:
CF (Cohesion Fund)
EARDF (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development)
EMFF (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund)
ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)
ESF (European Social Fund)
YEI (Youth Employment Initiative)
IPAE (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance). For more information on ESI Funds, see: Regulation (EU) No 1303/ 2013. For the pre-accession instrument IPA, see: Regulation (EU) No. 231/2014. | fund | ||
Reference year of the total decided amount (total cost), and of the (cumulative) financial data reported by programmes. Filtering the data using the column "year" provides a shapshot of the decided amounts, project selection data and eligible expenditure declared by projects at that date. This filter must be used in order to avoid double counting. | year | ||
Total decided amount (allocation) in euro. EU decided amount + National decided co-financing, referred to as Total cost. | total_amount | ||
Total amount (EU+National) allocated to the projects (operations) selected by the programme managers. Also referred to as total eligble cost reported by the national and regional programmes to the Commission. For more information on the transmission of financial data see: Regulation (EU) No 1303/ 2013 Art 112. | total_eligible_cost | ||
Total expenditure eligible for reimbursement, as reported by the beneficiary projects to the programmes. Also referred to as total eligible expenditure, it is reported by the national and regional programmes to the Commission.For more information on the transmission of financial data see: Regulation (EU) No 1303/ 2013 Art 112. | total_eligible_expenditure |
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