NOTE: The EU Budget for Hungary of EUR 21.7 billion presented in this dataset reflects the allocations to Hungary in decisions adopted on 22 December 2022. As of 1 January 2025, the total EU budget effectively allocated to Hungary is EUR 20.7 billion. Once the detailed mid term decisions are adopted during 2025 the dataset will reflect the corrected amounts. Find out more in the FAQ - question 2.10 -
2021-2027 financial details broken down by Fund / MS / programme / Policy objective / specific objective / Categorisation dimension.
This dataset provides information on planned total and EU financing for 11 different EU Funds (2021-2027) in current prices.
The data is taken from multiple categorisation tables in adopted programmes and is broken down by fund, programme, priority, policy objective objective, specific objective, category of region (more developed, less developed, etc. where available) and by the dimensions in the categorisation system. The values from the differnent dimensions should not be aggregated as this would lead to doublecounting. Find out more about the cohesion policy categorisation system here:
It is updated daily to reflect any modifications (i.e. thematic reallocations) agreed between the Member States and the Commission.
The data covers the more than 480 programmes and includes the EU and national co-financing covered by the adoption decision. Financial allocations in the adopted programmes may change over time (i.e. transfers between themes, between funds).
For ERDF, ESF and CF the "priority" columns relate financing envelopes in the programmes; the policy objectives and specific objectives relate to the fixed lists of defined objectives set in the specific fund Regulations.
If downloading, check the format of financial amounts and where necessary change your regional settings and default formatting in your chosen software. You can check the results of your aggregation of the financial data by comparing results either the charts on the public platform. Please refer to the user guide - - for information on how to download data, etc.