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- 100%
- 2010
- 2020
- 2021-2027 initial allocations
- 2040 vision
- 8th cohesion report
- 9th cohesion report
- accessability statement
- administration
- agriculture
- air
- airport
- allocations 2021-2027
- ambulances
- amif
- area
- article 7
- awareness
- axis
- bar chart
- bike lanes
- bike parking
- biodiversity
- buildings
- capacity building
- carbon footprint
- categorisation data
- categorisation system
- chronology
- cities
- clean air
- clean energy
- climate change
- clld
- closure
- co-financing
- cohesion report 9
- cohesionfund
- commitment plan
- common output
- common result
- convergence
- counting projects; detailed themes; operations
- coverage
- covid pandemic
- covid vaccine
- cpr article 42
- creating charts
- cross-cutting_themes
- cycle paths
- data story
- datastory
- decided finances
- declarations
- demography
- detailed themes
- development chronology
- digital skills
- digital transition
- dimensions
- disaster support
- disasters
- domestic waste management
- drinking water
- e-business
- e-commerce
- e-government; digitisation
- e-health
- e-learning
- e-tourism
- econometric
- econometric modelling
- economic activity
- economic sector
- economic sectors
- edrf
- education
- election results
- energy efficiency
- energy union
- enterprise
- enterprises
- esf participants
- esf+
- esf+ secondary theme
- esif odp
- eu allocations
- eu budget
- eu discontent
- eu solidarity fund
- eurobarometer
- eurobarometer awareness eu regional policy
- eurobarometer perception eu regional policy
- eurobarometer priorities eu regional policy
- eurosceptisism
- eurostat
- euspi
- evaluations
- ex post evaluation
- excess deaths
- faq
- fead open data
- feedback
- financial data on implementation
- financial implementation
- financial plans
- fire prevention
- fires
- flood prevention
- foot paths
- forest fires
- form of support
- forthcoming
- framework
- frequently asked questions
- ftth
- future developments
- gdp trends
- gender
- gender budgeting
- gender monitor
- gender targeting
- gender tracking
- geographic characteristics
- ghg emissions
- glass ceiling
- green
- green tracking
- gross fixed capital formation
- guarantee funds
- health emergencies
- heritage
- how to
- icu beds
- ijg
- impact
- implementation evaluations
- in profile
- indicators by operation
- indice
- initial allocation
- inland waterways
- integrated
- interreg common indicators
- intervention_fields
- investments
- ipa
- island
- iti
- just transition
- kohesio
- large enterprises
- loan
- loan funds
- loands
- location
- long term impact
- lookup
- low carbon transport
- macro region
- macro-regional and sea basin strategies
- mainstreaming
- maritime safety
- measure level
- medecines
- medicine
- member states
- mff
- monitoring
- most deprived
- mountain
- national parks
- natura 2000
- natural areas
- nature
- new enterprises
- nomenclature des unités territoriales
- nuts 2 2016
- nuts 2010
- nuts allocation
- nuts codes
- nuts3
- operational programme
- outermost
- over programming
- pa
- pandemic
- payment execution
- payments
- peer to peer
- perceptions
- performance
- performance framework
- performance review
- photovoltaic
- pie chart
- planned development
- planned vs implemented
- pollution
- port
- ppe
- pre-accession
- pre-financing
- preliminary allocations
- programming outcome
- progress
- project selection
- qanda
- raw data
- recycling
- region
- regional coverage
- regional development
- regional development trap
- regional gdp
- regional innovation
- regional labour markets
- regions
- reprogrammming
- research institutes
- reserve
- resources
- results
- review
- rhomolo
- rtd
- rup
- rural development
- sanitation
- scatterplot
- scores
- sdg
- sdg 6
- sectoral data
- selected operations
- selection rate
- singaling
- skills
- small enterprises
- smart grids
- sme
- sme financing
- social progress
- solar
- sparsely populated
- specific indicators
- specific objective
- start-ups
- strategies
- structural funds
- studies
- sud
- sump
- survey
- ta
- taiex
- technology
- ten-t
- territorial development
- territorial focus
- territory types
- thematic allocations
- thematic data
- thematic objectives
- themes
- theory based
- theory based evaluation
- time
- time series
- totaluncashedrecoveryamountfromyear
- tourist attractions
- track
- transmission of data
- transnational
- uban transport
- urban development
- urban mobility
- user feedback
- user profile
- user satisfaction
- user surveysts
- uwwtd
- vaccination
- vaccines
- variation
- ventilators
- venture capital
- visualization
- vocational skills
- waste management
- waste treatment
- water
- water conservation
- water framework
- water framework directive
- wellbeing
- wind energy
- working capital
- year
- yei participants
- z scores
- 2019
- ageing
- aid intensity
- benchmarking
- biodiversity tracking
- blog
- carbon intensity
- circular economy
- citizens’ perception
- climate mitigation
- counterfactual
- crii+
- cycling
- demographic change
- deprived communities
- drought
- earthquakes
- eligibility
- emergency services
- emfaf
- employment
- enterprise support
- eu funding per capita
- eu-spi
- european regional competitiveness index
- eusf
- female advantage
- female disadvantage
- flying flags
- ghg
- green jobs
- hospitals
- indicator
- inequality
- infrastructure
- initial pre-financing
- inter modal
- interreg
- ip
- jtf
- less developped
- loans
- low carbon
- member state
- migration
- more developped
- multi modal
- non-paper
- nuts 3
- outputs
- performance reserve
- priority theme
- programmes
- projects
- public health
- public investment
- r+d activities
- rail
- rates
- regional competitiveness
- regional competitiveness index 2019
- renewables
- reprogramming
- rtd activities
- rtd infrastructure
- rural
- science parks
- sdgs
- sectors
- smart growth
- social
- social progress index
- solidarity
- specific funds
- statistics
- storms
- story
- success
- sustainable development goals
- sustainable urban development
- technology institutes
- territory
- thematic concentration
- thematic investment volumes
- theme
- transition
- universities
- urban
- user survey
- vaccine
- waste water
- water supply
- annual pre-financing
- beneficiaries
- beyond gdp
- categories of region
- cci
- clean urban transport
- climate tracking
- co2
- competitiveness
- core
- costs
- decommitment
- efficiency
- eu regional policy
- firms
- gender equality
- guarantees
- interim payments
- net zero
- nuts 2
- operations
- paid
- participation
- partnership agreement
- react-eu
- recoveries
- regression
- sustainable
- tracking
- un
- user guide
- 1988-1993
- 1994-1999
- 2000-2006
- 2021-2027
- clean transport
- climate action
- climate adaptation
- coronavirus response
- decided
- equity
- eu
- financial instruments
- fund of funds
- healthcare
- historic data
- investment progress
- mp
- population
- spi
- targets
- vcf
- annual
- cohesion
- coronavirus
- decarbonisation
- eonomometric
- finances implemented
- funds
- gdp
- green deal
- major projects
- rci
- cohesion report
- cr9
- eaggf
- erdf cf esf yei 2014-2020
- eu countries
- eu payment
- eu payments
- intervention fields
- payment timeseries
- regional policy
- regionalised
- covid19
- eni
- fead
- health
- historic payments
- index
- ipae
- modelling
- nuts
- nuts2
- absorption
- achievements
- communciation
- crii
- nuts-2
- fire
- indicators
- culture
- floods
- implemented
- risk prevention
- tourism
- expenditure
- covid
- evaluation
- thematic objectives erdf esf cf 2014-2020
- planned
- selected
- covid-19
- esif
- common indicators
- intervention field
- territorial delivery mechanism
- territorial dimension
- form of finance
- categorisation
- business development
- esf participation
- labour market
- social inclusion
- 2014-2020 allocations
- education infrastructure
- health infrastructure
- multimodal
- ports
- rtdi
- spending category
- technical assistance
- waste water treatment
- air quality
- broadband
- environment
- railway
- road
- transport
- urban transport
- energy
- innovation
- research
- smes
- cohesion fund
- priority axis
- category of region
- thematic objective
- esi funds
- fund
- programme
- emff
- yei
- eafrd
- cf
- 2014-2020
- dg regional and urban policy
- core indicators
- esf
- erdf
- 2007-2013
- cohesion policy
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This dataset provides information on expected achievements (targets) set for selected common indicators defined for the each of the specific ESI funds and the decided (forecasts from selected projects) and implemented values.
The reference date for the annual reporting of progress by the programmes achievements is the end of each calendar year.
This dataset contains:
- Time series of the cumulative amounts reported annually for decided and implemented values (i.e. 2016 values include the 2015 values);
- To avoid double counting, the cumulative values from different years **should NOT be aggregated**;
- Allows comparison of the targets year on year (targets change with reallocation of financial resources);
- Allows comparison of decided (forecast) and implemented values with the targets set (allowing users to calculate the % rate of progress);
- For ESF / YEI only the implemented values are reported (no decided (forecast) values) and targets were not obligatory in each case.
This dataset contains:
- Time series of the cumulative amounts reported annually for decided and implemented values (i.e. 2016 values include the 2015 values);
- To avoid double counting, the cumulative values from different years **should NOT be aggregated**;
- Allows comparison of the targets year on year (targets change with reallocation of financial resources);
- Allows comparison of decided (forecast) and implemented values with the targets set (allowing users to calculate the % rate of progress);
- For ESF / YEI only the implemented values are reported (no decided (forecast) values) and targets were not obligatory in each case.
For more information on the common indicator definitions used by each fund please go to the "Related Information" sections at the bottom of the fund specific pages.
The same data on the **programme specific indicators** (including output and result indicators) is available in this separate dataset: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/2014-2020-Indicators/ESIF-2014-2020-Achievement-Details-ERDF-CF-Program/3de9-gnka
December 14 2023
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November 8 2024