This dataset provides information on expected achievements (targets) set for selected common indicators defined for the each of the specific ESI funds and the decided (forecasts from selected projects) and implemented values.
The reference date for the annual reporting of progress by the programmes achievements is the end of each calendar year.
This dataset contains:
- Time series of the cumulative amounts reported annually for decided and implemented values (i.e. 2016 values include the 2015 values);
- To avoid double counting, the cumulative values from different years **should NOT be aggregated**;
- Allows comparison of the targets year on year (targets change with reallocation of financial resources);
- Allows comparison of decided (forecast) and implemented values with the targets set (allowing users to calculate the % rate of progress);
- For ESF / YEI only the implemented values are reported (no decided (forecast) values) and targets were not obligatory in each case.
For more information on the common indicator definitions used by each fund please go to the "Related Information" sections at the bottom of the fund specific pages.
The same data on the **programme specific indicators** (including output and result indicators) is available in this separate dataset: