**JANUARY 2025: As of January 2025 a new EC IT accounting system is rolled out. EU payment updates will not be published while the new IT system is tested. The data below reflects the position as of end 2024. The daily updating will resume after full and successful roll-out of the underlying systems.**
This dataset presents the 2021-2027 cumulative history of EU payment transactions in annual timeseries, including the initial and latest EU planned amount for the programme period. The values for the current year are updated each working day where payments have been made. The dataset cover multiple funds under (1) cohesion policy - ERDF, ESF+, Cohesion Fund, Just Transition Fund and Interreg (ERDF-IPAIII NDICI), (2) EMFAF and (3) DG HOME funds (AMIF BMVI and ISF) in national programmes.