Cohesion policy 2007-2013:  
thematic reprogramming
using categorisation data


The EU cohesion policy 2007-2013 categorisation system of financial data (in EU share) is an important source of information on the expected allocation of support by categorisation dimension for the funds ERDF, Cohesion Fund and ESF. 
The information system was essential to report in a coherent and consistent way, on a European level, as to how the EU tax payer's money contributes to cohesion policy objectives and was also a tool to inform regional, national and EU public representatives, the European budgetary authorities, civil society and citizens.
The planned data was found in the initial programme and in reprogramming documents, while the implementation values on selected operations was provided through the Annual Implementation Reports (AIR).  The categorisation of the EU finances enabled the Commission and the Member States to obtain a level of detail on the use of the Funds which would otherwise not be made available. The priority theme dimension provided detailed sectoral / thematic information (In 2014-2020 this dimension became the "intervention fields".  The other 4 dimensions were: the form of finance, the territory, the economic activity and the location.
The charts below present
  • the EU planned amounts by (selected) priority themes at end 2008 and end 2015 (reprogramming 
  • the reported EU amount actually invested as set out in the final report at programme closure (extracted 2017)    
Use the filters (top right of each chart) to change the priority themes, MS or Commission services (DG REGIO (16) = ERDF + Cohesion Fund; DG EMPL (05) = ESF) to track the changes in EU planned amounts and the closure amounts.      

More information

2007-2013 Categorisation systems explained:   
  • 2007-2013 Closure values from the progammes final reports: LINK
  • 2007-2013 Planned values from end 2008 + end 2015: LINK
See the discussion of reprogramming in the 2007-2013 ex post synthesis report: Find out more.