In profile: Counting thematic allocations to cohesion policy projects
1. How many projects are supported by the EU's cohesion policy?
2. Counting ERDF / CF allocations by detailed theme
2.1 Progress over time ... increasing ERDF/CF thematic allocations to projects
The interactive chart below presents the development over time of in the number of thematic allocations to projects under the ERDF and Cohesion Fund. The filters provided allow you to explore the values by country, thematic objective and fund.
2.2 Counting ERDF / CF projects by high level theme
The interactive chart below presents the cumulative number of thematic allocations to projects under the ERDF and Cohesion Fund thematic objectives for a specific year (check filter). The filters provided allow you to explore the values by year and country and fund.
3. ESF / YEI thematic allocations to projects
4. Counting allocations by detailed thematic interventions
The interactive chart below presents the cumulative number of thematic allocations to projects for the selected "intervention fields" (detailed thematic priorities) for a specific year. The filters provided at the top right allow you to explore the values by fund, year, country and intervention field.
5. Other sources of information on operations and beneficiaries
- Number of operations supported by each priority (investment envelopes) in each national , regional or interregional programme, reported 3 times a year on 31 January, 31 July and 31 October to the Commission. The number of operations reported through this format is lower that presneted above as it excludes doublecounting at priority level.
(The number of operations will be added by June 2020 to this dataset and we will then expand this data story) - The number of operations reported on national websites with EU financial support (and detailed theme specified). The lists of operations are not reported to the Commission but are made public. For access the national lists of operations and more information see this description. In many Member States the number of beneficiaries is also provided in the list of Operations.
5.1 Clarifying terms
- A specific project promoted by a project manager (i.e. an investments in a research faculty in a university);
- A stage (or phase) of a long term project (i.e. building a section of high speed rail as part of a master project);
- A scheme supporting multiple beneficiaries (i.e. an energy efficiency scheme supporting 1 000 householders);
- A financial instrument fund (loan, equity, etc.) run by an financial intermediary, financing multiple enterprises (or other beneficiaries)