An EU level overview of biodiversity investment spending 

The tracking of biodiversity relevant investments is possible using the cohesion policy monitoring system that allows us to identify and monitor the planned financial investments and it implementation over time. While biodiversity tracking was not explicitly foreseen in the Cohesion policy legislation for 2014-2020 based on agreement between Commission services the biodiversity relevant interventions were identified and tracked as set out below.   
The first chart shows the total planned allocations under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund - more than EUR 10 billion is allocated under the EU Budget.  The data is cumulative, covering the period 2014-2020 with implementation continuing until end 2023. Information on implementing investments is reported annually with the latest data published around end-February each year.
The annual progression of the cumulative ERDF and Cohesion Fund biodiversity investments showing progress over time in deciding on investment projects (selected projects) and expenditure by those projects is presented in the chart below. 

Details of the specific investments actions that are included in biodiversity tracking

Five types of investment intervention are tracked under Cohesion Policy for their biodiversity contribution: 

  • A significant contribution : 100 % weighting for allocations to the 2 codes '085 - Protection and enhancement of biodiversity, nature protection and green infrastructure' and ‘086 - Promotion, restoration and sustainable use of Natura 2000 Sites'   
  • A moderate contribution:  40 % weighting for allocations to the 3 codes ‘022 - Waste water treatment’, '087 - Adaptation to climate change and risk prevention'  and ‘091 - Protection and development of natural heritage’. These categories help biodiversity protection indirectly by reducing the pressures on it (e.g. purifying of the waste water that goes into our rivers or seas or helps towards the adaptation from changing climates)
The chart below shows the EU overview of investment finance allocated for the five biodiversity codes after applying the weightings. 

... planned MS investments can also be identified for each of the 5 investment actions ... 

The chart below shows the planned EU allocations for the five specific investment actions that are tracked in accordance with the weightings. 

... with investments progress trackable by Member State ... 

The chart below shows the national allocations to the five codes combined and the progress by year (use the filter) in  implementing the investments. 

Clicking on the bars for any Country shows you the composition fo planned investments by programmea and the progress.   Use the buttons to the top left of the chart to navigate back to country level.    
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(European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, Smart and Sustainable Growth Unit)