The EU
Social Progress Index 

European Social Progress Index 2020 

  • Alternative measure "beyond GDP" to better reflect societal development
  • Regional level: crucial for proper investments on EU social objectives
  • Social and environmental aspects solely taken into account
  • The purpose is facilitating region’s benchmarking using a wide range of indicators and …
  • ... informing policymakers/ stakeholders on region's strengths and weaknesses

Exploring the components and dimensions of social progress

The index's structure is built on the global Social Progress Index by the Social Progress Imperative

Mapping the EU-SPI across Europe's regions

The unfolding fan

The rounder the better ...

The wider and rounder the outline radar, the higher and more balanced the social progress level of your region.
The narrower and more irregular, the lower its social level

Explore the data

The EU-SPI is there to provoke reflection.

Did it work?