Interreg common indicators

target setting 2021-27


The legal basis for 2021-2027 cohesion policy programming provided common output and result indicators. In relation to Interreg programming, an extended list of Interreg dedicated common output indicators and a new list of common result indicators were set out in Annex 1 of the ERDF regulation. The development of a dedicated set of common indicators for 2021-2027 Interreg programming is intended to better capture the outputs and results of cooperation interventions.
This data story allows you to explore the Interreg common output and result indicators with a focus on target setting. Explore the charts to explore the differences in target setting by programme, policy objective and specific objective.

The Global Filter: Use this to filter all charts by policy objective, specific objective, indicator and/or programme.

Interreg common output indicator targets 

Explore the target values set for the 13 Interreg common output indicators.
- Use the filter (top right of chart) to filter by programme title, policy and specific objective.
- Use the 'hierarchy' button (top left of chart) to toggle between target setting by indicator, programme and policy objective.

Interreg common result indicator targets 

Explore the target values set for the 7 Interreg common result indicators.
- Use the filter (top right of chart) to filter by programme title, policy and specific objective.
- Use the 'hierarchy' button (top left of chart) to toggle between target setting by indicator, programme and policy objective.

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Authors: Dora O'NEILL, John WALSH
Date of Text: May 2024