Tyler Data & Insights

This dataset provides time series information on the financial implementation on the ground of the 530+ ESI Funded programmes. The data is cumulative, i.e. 2016 values included the finances implemented for 2015. Therefore the value for different years **MUST NOT BE AGGREGATED** The financial implementation data is disaggregated by fund, programme, priority axis, thematic objective and category of regions (where available). The data is provided by the managing authorities of the 530+ programmes on at least an annual basis. For some funds the data is provided more regularly: - ERDF/ESF/CF/YEI: financial data is provided to the Commission 3 times a year on 31/1, 31/7 and 31/10 with data up until 31/12, 30/6 and 30/9 respectively; - EAFRD: Financial data is to the Commission biannually on 31/1 and 30/09 with data up until 31/12 and 30/08 respectively; - EMFF: data is provided to the Commission annually up until 31/12. A detailed description of all the variables in the dataset is provided in the metadata file ESIF_Implemented Finance_Data_Description_of_Dataset_20161219.xlsx (in Attachments below). Further details on the "finances implemented" data and the other forms of are provided also in the "About" section providing FAQs accessible from the platform - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/faq/about_open_data/#8
Country Level
esi funds, 2014-2020, fund, programme, priority axis, thematic objective, category of region, erdf, esf, cf, eafrd, emff, yei
Current value: 0 out of 5
Data Provided By
European Commission
1.0 Universal (Public Domain Dedication)
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