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Regional Policy 2014-2020 EU Payment Details by EU Countries (daily update)

2014 / 2020 Finances
This dataset presents information on EU payments to the Regional Policy supported programmes.
Annual snapshots are provided in the data and therefore the data must be filtered by year to have an accurate view of the total EU planned amount and payments made.
Data is reported on cumulative basis, i.e. the amounts shown in 2017 represent the cumulative payments made from the beginning of the programming period (2014-2017 up to date).
The dataset is updated on a daily basis.

What's in this Dataset?

Columns (21)

2-digit Abbreviation for the name of the Member State (ex: BE for Belgium, TC = Territiorial Cooperation).
Name of the ESI fund: CF (Cohesion Fund); ERDF (European Regional Development Fund);
Data is reported on cumulative basis, i.e. the amounts shown in 2017 represent the cumulative payments made from the beginning of the programming period up to date.
Planned EU amount
Data is reported from from the System for Fund Management in the European Union (SFC2014) based on the latest adopted version of the programmes. For more information on the planned EU amount see: dataset "ESIF 2014-2020 Financial plans (daily update). For more information on SFC2014 see: https://ec.europa.eu/sfc/en.
N+3 De-commitment Amount
Net Planned EU Amount
Initial pre-financing for: 1. ESI funds programmes and programmes receiving support from both ESI funds is paid for the years 2014-2016 and represents % of the total main allocation: -> 1% in 2014 for 22 MS and all ETC, 1,5% for 6 MS receiving financial assistance (GR, CY, PT, ES, IE and RO); -> 1% in 2015 for 25 MS, 1,5% for 3 Member States receiving financial assistance (GR, CY and RO); -> 1% in 2016 for 28 MS.
Additional initial pre-financing for: 1. GR programmes funded under ERDF and CF of 3,5% of total main allocation in 2015 and same in 2016. For more information on additional initial pre-financing for GR programmes see: Regulation (EU) 1839/2015 Art 1(1), (2).
The initial pre-financing is recovered in full for: GR programmes in case, by 31 December 2016, the total amount of the additional initial pre-financing paid is not covered by payment applications for that programme. These recoveries do not impact the allocation of the programmes ("EU planned amount").For more information on additional initial pre-financing for GR programmes see: Regulation (EU) 1839/2015 Art 1(1).
Cumulative initial pre-financing less recovery of additional initial pre-financing.
Cumulative annual pre-financing for CF and ERDF, paid for the years 2016-2023 and represents % of the total main allocation: -> 2% in 2016; -> 2,625% in 2017; -> 2,75% in 2018; -> 2,875% in 2019; -> 3% in 2020-2020. For more information on annual pre-financing for ESI funds programmes see: Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 Art 134 (1).
Also known as clearing of annual pre-financing. As part of the annual examination and acceptance of accounts, the annual pre-financing is either covered by expenditure by the MS (justified) or recovered. For more information on annual pre-financing and the annual examination and acceptance of accounts see: Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 Art 84, Art 137, Art 138 and Art 139.
As part of the annual examination and acceptance of accounts, the annual pre-financing is either covered by expenditure by the MS (justified) or recovered. These recoveries do not impact the allocation of the programmes ("EU planned amount"). For more information on annual pre-financing and the annual examination and acceptance of accounts.
Net annual pre-financing
Cumulative annual pre-financing less recovery of annual pre-financing.

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