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2014-2020 Cohesion Categorisation Intervention fields by MS

2014 / 2020
This file contains categorisation data from the ERDF/ESF/Cohesion Fund programmes and in particular it **COMPARES PLANNED AMOUNTS TO IMPLEMENTED INVESTMENTS**.
The data will be updated regularly to reflect updated information transmitted. The implementation values are reported once a year by the 350+ programmes at end January. This dataset contains data to end-2016 and end 2017. As the data is cumulative the **ANNUAL VALUES SHOULD NOT BE AGGREGATED *** but may be compared to see progress.

The planned data is provided in tables one for each priority axis (investment pillar) of each programme. The categorisation systems is defined in Implementing Regulation 215/2014 with 8 dimensions in total - http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32014R0215.
These dimension represent different ways of categorising the nature of the EU support (i.e. the intervention (activity) field, the form of finance, the territorial context, etc.).
In the programme documents only 4 dimensions were encoded for ERDF/ Cohesion Fund while 5 dimensions were encoded for ESF and can be found in the dataset. Data on 3 other dimensions is only provided in the implementation reports - Location, Economic Dimension, ERDF/CF Thematic Objective - and therefore there is no planned amount to compare. In analysing the content of the dataset **THE DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS SHOULD BE ANALYSED SEPARATELY AS OTHERWISE DOUBLE COUNTING OF FINANCIAL AMOUNTS WILL OCCUR**.
This information note provides more detail on the categorisation system 2014-2020: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/informat/2014/guidance_categorisation_climate_en.pdf

A second dataset found here - https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/EU-Level/ESIF-2014-2020-Categorisation-Crosscutting-Themes-/xns4-t7ym - provides a lookup table for understanding how the Commission uses the intervention field codes to look at cross cutting issues such as investments in "innovation", "enterprise support", etc. That lookup dataset also has the "climate change tracking" weightings and a similar weighting system for "biodiversity tracking".

What's in this Dataset?

Columns (8)

Member State (2 digit ISO)
2-digit ISO code for each Member State; TC = Interreg
EU fund
Year for which cumulated data is provided
Dimension code
Code for each category in each dimension
Dimension title (long)
The title for each category in each dimension
EU Amount planned (set in the adopted programme)
EU Eligible_Costs Decided (selected operations) estimated based on co financing rate