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2014 / 2020
This dataset provides information on planned total and EU financing under the different ESI Funds (2014-2020) in current prices. The data is taken from the adopted financial tables and is broken down by fund, programme, priority axis, thematic objective and category of region (more developed, less developed, etc. where available). It is updated daily to reflect any modifications (i.e; thematic reallocations) agreed between the Member States and the Commission.

The data cover the more than 530 programmes and includes the EU and national co-financing covered by the adoption decision. Financial allocations in the programme financial table may change over time (i.e. transfers between themes, between funds). The first wave of major changes took place at end 2017 as a result of the allocation of the "technical adjustment" and the increase in the allocation to the Youth Employment initiative.

- For ERDF, ESF and CF the "priority" columns relate to the priority axis (financing blocks) in the programmes; the "investment priority" relates to the fixed lists of defined investment objectives set in the three specific fund Regulations.
- For the European Agricultural fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) detail is also provided by EAFRD "Focus areas" and "Measures" (the EAFRD Focus Areas are detailed in the EAFRD fund regulation - Article 5 and the EAFRD measures in Article 13-40 of the relevant Implementing Regulation).

If downloading, check the format of financial amounts and where necessary change your regional settings and default formatting in your chosen software. You can check the results of your aggregation of the financial data by comparing results either with (1) the charts on the public platform or (2) with the pre-formatted charts profiled on this metadata page under “featured content”.

What's in this Dataset?

Columns (19)

2-digit Abbreviation for the name of the Member State (ex: BE for Belgium, TC = Interreg)
MS Name
Member State Name
Unique identifier for each programme. More about CCI codes at: https://ec.europa.eu/sfc/en/2014/support-ms/CCI
Version of the operational programme reflected in the dataset.
Programme Title
Short title of the operational programme. The name is intended for general users; it may not coincide with the formal name of the operational programme, but it is sufficiently precise to allow the unambiguous identification of the OP.
Name of the ESI fund: CF (Cohesion Fund) EARDF (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development) EMFF (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund) ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) ESF (European Social Fund) YEI (Youth Employment Initiative)
Priority Axis: the investment pillars in the programme. There is no harmonised numbering or naming of Priority Axes. Programmes were free to structure the Priority Axes as needed. For more information on the structure of the operational programmes, see: Regulation (EU) No 1303/ 2013 Art 27 (Content of programmes), Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 288/ 2014, Commission Implementing Regulation 808/2014,
Code for the thematic objective ("Theme" in the platform visualizations). In addition to the 11 thematic objectives set out in the legal basis (see notes), the dataset also includes separate codes for TA-technical assistance, a category 12 for additional the support allocated to the outermost and sparsely populated areas and a code "DM - EAFRD" for discontinued measures from 2007-2013. For more information on thematic objectives, see: Regulation (EU) No 1303/ 2013 Art 9.
To short
Short name for the thematic objective. For example: "Research and Innovation" stands for "Strengthening research, technological development and innovation." For more information on thematic objectives, see: Regulation (EU) No 1303/ 2013 Art 9.
TO long
Full name of the thematic objective. For more information on thematic objectives, see: Regulation (EU) No 1303/ 2013 Art 9.
Category of region
Data is reported by category of region for ERDF and ESF. There are three categories of region: less developed, transition, and more developed. These "categories of region" codes do not formally apply to CF, EAFRD or EMFF. For more information on the categories of regions see: Regulation (EU) No 1303/ 2013 Art 90(2).
EAFRD Measure code
Codes for EAFRD policy measures. For more information on EAFRD measures see Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 808/2014 Part 5.
Measure short description
EAFRD Focus Area code
Codes for EAFRD focus areas. For more information on EAFRD measures see Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 808/2014 Part 6.
Focus area short description

Dataset Changelog