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2021-2027 ERDF-CF-JTF Common Indicator metadata

2021 / 2027 Indicators
This dataset presents the structured metadata descriptions of the common output and result indicators for ERDF/CF/JTF for the 2021-2027 programme period.

The metadata is based primarily on the description published in Staff Working Document SWD(2001)198 of 8 July 2021. The text of the SWD is here: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/information/publications/evaluations-guidance-documents/2021/performance-monitoring-and-evaluation-of-the-european-regional-development-fund-the-cohesion-fund-and-the-just-transition-fund-in-2021-2027

What's in this Dataset?

Columns (27)

1. Indicator code
RCO = REGIO common output : RCR = Regio common result
2. Indicator name
Formal indicator name from ERDF/CF Regulation Annex I
2b. Indicator code and short name (open data name)
Concatenation of the code and short name of the common indicator (will be used on the Open Data platform)
3. Measurement unit
Measurement unit
4. Type of indicator
Output indicator: / Result indicator:
5. Baseline
Output indicator baselines are zero / Result indicator baselines depend on the nature of the indicator - 0 / >0 / >=0
6. Milestone 2024
Milestone values to be achieved by end 2024 are set in programming for output indicators only
7. Target 2029
Target values are set based on the full available financing (main allocations and flexibility amount) for end 2029
8. Policy objective (asterisks)
8b. PO (IGJ original)
Full name of policy objectives
9. Indicator usage by specific objective (Annex I + asterisks)
9b. Indicator listing by Specific objective (IGJ original listing in Annex 1)
10. Definition and concepts
11. Data collection
12. Time measurement achieved

Dataset Changelog

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