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Total EU payments ESI funds

EU Level
This dataset presents information on EU payments to the ESI Funds programmes as well as to FEAD, IPA-E and ENI supported programmes.
Annual snapshots are provided in the data and therefore the data must be filtered by year to have an accurate view of the total EU planned amount and payments made.
Data is reported on cumulative basis, i.e. the amounts shown in 2017 represent the cumulative payments made from the beginning of the programming period (2014-2017 up to date).
The dataset is updated on a daily basis.

What's in this Dataset?

Columns (4)

2-digit Abbreviation for the name of the Member State (ex: BE for Belgium, TC = Transnational Cooperation).
MS Name
Name of the ESI fund: CF (Cohesion Fund); ERDF (European Regional Development Fund); ESF (European Social Fund); YEI (Youth Employment Initiative); EMFF (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund); EARDF (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development). Other funds: ENI (European Neighbourhood Instrument); FEAD (Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived); IPAE (Instrument for Pre-Accession);
Data is reported on cumulative basis, i.e. the amounts shown in 2017 represent the cumulative payments made from the beginning of the programming period up to date.