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This dataset presents the anonymous user replies to surveys conducted in mid-2017, mid-2019 and in February 2021. Check out the replies received here: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/d/meu6-rykt

What's in this Dataset?

Columns (12)

0. Survey year
Year of survey + replies
1. What is your main interest in the platform? (Multiple answers allowed)
Structured replies offered
2. Did you find the information you were looking for?
Structured replies offered
3. Did you find the website easy to navigate/user friendly?
Structured replies offered
4. How could the platform better serve your needs? This could refer to additional datasets, functionality or any other type of comment.
Open question
4.1 Suggested improvements (types)
Added typology of suggested improvements
5. Which fund(s) are you interested in? (Multiple answers allowed)
Structured replies offered
6. Who are you?
Structured replies offered
7. Are you working with the ESI Funds?
Structured replies offered
8. Country of residence?
Structured replies offered
9. How did you hear about us?
Structured replies offered
10. How often do you use the platform?
Structured replies offered

Dataset Changelog

No changes have been archived yet