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- 2007-2013
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150 Results
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Tags > 2007-2013
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Last Update: March 2016. The data available measures some of the direct outputs under 11 core indicators as reported by over 300 ERDF/CF programmes across the EU. The data is preliminary as the programmes continued their activities to finalise all projects during 2015. The Commission will received the final statements of achievements in March 2017.
April 27 2018
Last Update: March 2016. The data available measures some of the direct outputs under 11 core indicators as reported by over 300 ERDF/CF programmes across the EU. The data is preliminary as the programmes continued their activities to finalise all projects during 2015. The Commission will received the final statements of achievements in March 2017.
April 27 2018
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Last Update: October 2016. The data available measures some of the direct outputs under 11 core indicators as reported by over 300 ERDF/CF programmes across the EU. The data is preliminary as the programmes continued their activities to finalise all projects during 2015. The Commission will received the final statements of achievements in March 2017.
October 18 2024
The data available provides **national values** for outputs under 18 core indicators reported by over 300 ERDF/CF programmes across the EU.
[The disaggregated programme achievements values for the 4 years 2012-2015 are provided in a separate dataset: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/EU-Level/2007-2013-ERDF-CF-achievements-core-indicators-by-/dsvh-4gnx ]
[The disaggregated programme achievements values for the 4 years 2012-2015 are provided in a separate dataset: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/EU-Level/2007-2013-ERDF-CF-achievements-core-indicators-by-/dsvh-4gnx ]
Last data update: March 2018.
The values reported relate to achievements tracked in monitoring systems as reported by projects financed with EU investments in the period 2007-2015.
For three Member States - Croatia, Romania and Slokavia - the final values may include outputs from 2016 under specific extensions provided; in those cases the final values are nonetheless tagged as "2015" in order to allow aggregation.
The values reported relate to achievements tracked in monitoring systems as reported by projects financed with EU investments in the period 2007-2015.
For three Member States - Croatia, Romania and Slokavia - the final values may include outputs from 2016 under specific extensions provided; in those cases the final values are nonetheless tagged as "2015" in order to allow aggregation.
After the negotiations on the ERDF and Cohesion Fund operational programmes (OPs) for 2007-2013, the Commission recommended the use of 'core indicators' for the main intervention areas. Core indicators can be used to compare and aggregate data across similar priorities or measures. Reporting on core indicators was not a legal obligation in 2007-2013. As a pilot, voluntary exercise it allowed the Member States (MS) and the Commission to establish reporting routines and detecting practical reporting issues. The effort undertaken to report against core indicators has improved accountability in the use of the Funds. Strategic reports were submitted by the MS twice in the course of the programming period (in 2009 and 2012), including core indicator data to communicate progress towards achieving policy objectives. Thanks to the use of core indicators, this was the first programme period in which indicator data could be aggregated and analysed across programmes.
After the negotiations on the ERDF and Cohesion Fund operational programmes (OPs) for 2007-2013, the Commission recommended the use of 'core indicators' for the main intervention areas. Core indicators can be used to compare and aggregate data across similar priorities or measures. Reporting on core indicators was not a legal obligation in 2007-2013. As a pilot, voluntary exercise it allowed the Member States (MS) and the Commission to establish reporting routines and detecting practical reporting issues. The effort undertaken to report against core indicators has improved accountability in the use of the Funds. Strategic reports were submitted by the MS twice in the course of the programming period (in 2009 and 2012), including core indicator data to communicate progress towards achieving policy objectives. Thanks to the use of core indicators, this was the first programme period in which indicator data could be aggregated and analysed across programmes.
The data is provided by Member State in annual cumulative time series 2009-2015 where values were reported. Annual value can be compared but **SHOULD NOT BE AGGREGATED** as they are already cumulative.
The dataset also includes annual aggregate values at EU level. If aggregating values from the dataset **DO NOT AGGREGATE THE EU TOTALS AND NATIONAL VALUES** in order to avoid double counting.
The data is provided by Member State in annual cumulative time series 2009-2015 where values were reported. Annual value can be compared but **SHOULD NOT BE AGGREGATED** as they are already cumulative.
The dataset also includes annual aggregate values at EU level. If aggregating values from the dataset **DO NOT AGGREGATE THE EU TOTALS AND NATIONAL VALUES** in order to avoid double counting.
As part of the ex-post evaluation the reported indicators values for 2012 and 2013 available were examined in 2014-2015 by independent consultants. The synthesis report of their work (March 2015) is available here: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/evaluations/ec/2007-2013/#1
The values for 2014 and 2015 were established by DG REGIO by comparing the values reported by the programme authorities for those years with the work of the consultant on the values reported for 2012 and 2013 and compiling a picture of the progress. The 2015 data is derived from the final report programme reports received in March 2017.
The following is the list of "core indicators" that were examined and can be found in the dataset when used and reported by the programmes:
CO04 Number of RTD projects (N° projects)
CO05 Number of cooperation project enterprises-research institutions (N° projects)
CO06 Research jobs created (FTE)
CO07 Number of direct investment aid projects to SME (Number)
CO08 Number of start-ups supported (Enterprises)
CO09 Jobs created in SME (gross, full time equivalent) (FTE)
CO12 Additional population covered by broadband access (people)
CO14 km of new roads (km)
CO15 km of TEN roads (new and reconstructed) (km)
CO16 km of reconstructed roads (km)
CO17 km of new railroads (km)
CO18 km of TEN railroads (new and reconstructed) (km)
CO19 km of reconstructed railroads (km)
CO24 Additional capacity of renewable energy production (MW)
CO25 Additional population served by water projects (people)
CO26 Additional population served by waste water projects (people)
CO29 Area rehabilitated (km2)
CO35 Number of jobs created in tourism (FTE)
CO04 Number of RTD projects (N° projects)
CO05 Number of cooperation project enterprises-research institutions (N° projects)
CO06 Research jobs created (FTE)
CO07 Number of direct investment aid projects to SME (Number)
CO08 Number of start-ups supported (Enterprises)
CO09 Jobs created in SME (gross, full time equivalent) (FTE)
CO12 Additional population covered by broadband access (people)
CO14 km of new roads (km)
CO15 km of TEN roads (new and reconstructed) (km)
CO16 km of reconstructed roads (km)
CO17 km of new railroads (km)
CO18 km of TEN railroads (new and reconstructed) (km)
CO19 km of reconstructed railroads (km)
CO24 Additional capacity of renewable energy production (MW)
CO25 Additional population served by water projects (people)
CO26 Additional population served by waste water projects (people)
CO29 Area rehabilitated (km2)
CO35 Number of jobs created in tourism (FTE)
The indicator "CO00 Aggregated Jobs (FTE)" found in the dataset is the result
October 18 2024
2007 - 2013 EU payments by country, operational programme, fund, objective, showing the initially planned EU amount, de-commitments, payments and recoveries by type. The dataset includes transactions for ERDF and CF programmes.
For more information on the legal basis for, see:
For more information on the legal basis for, see:
October 16 2024
This is the April 2018 (archived) version of the master "Historic EU payments regionalised and modelled" dataset.
The most recent updated version is found here: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/EU-Level/Historic-EU-payments-regionalised-and-modelled/tc55-7ysv
The most recent updated version is found here: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/EU-Level/Historic-EU-payments-regionalised-and-modelled/tc55-7ysv
April 23 2020
1. PURPOSE: This data set provides, in a single source, regionalised (NUTS-2) annual EU expenditure data (in current prices) for specific EU funds - ERDF, Cohesion Fund, EAFRD/EAGGF and ESF. This data can be used, among other purposes, to facilitate analysis on the effects of the EU funds.
In terms of the regionalisation of EU payments made, this work expands and replaces data sets previous published on the ERDF and Cohesion fund with additional years and additional EU funds.
The following studies on ERDF and Cohesion fund expenditure are to a large extent now superseded:
- "Geography of expenditure" Work Package 13 of the ERDF and CF ex-post evaluation 2007-2013 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/evaluations/ec/2007-2013/#13
- "Final Report - ERDF and CF Regional Expenditure" (2000-2006) - SWECo 2008 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/pdf/expost2006/expenditure_final.pdf
- "The Territorial Effects of the Structural Funds" (1994-1999) - ESPON 2005, study 2.2.1 - http://www.espon.eu/main/Menu_Projects/Menu_ESPON2006Projects/Menu_PolicyImpactProjects/structuralfundsimpact.html
The following studies on ERDF and Cohesion fund expenditure are to a large extent now superseded:
- "Geography of expenditure" Work Package 13 of the ERDF and CF ex-post evaluation 2007-2013 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/evaluations/ec/2007-2013/#13
- "Final Report - ERDF and CF Regional Expenditure" (2000-2006) - SWECo 2008 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/pdf/expost2006/expenditure_final.pdf
- "The Territorial Effects of the Structural Funds" (1994-1999) - ESPON 2005, study 2.2.1 - http://www.espon.eu/main/Menu_Projects/Menu_ESPON2006Projects/Menu_PolicyImpactProjects/structuralfundsimpact.html
The dataset does not contain any identification of the thematic nature of the investments made. This is because there was no harmonised system or information available across funds and across programme periods to estimate the thematic composition of the investments. For the ERDF and Cohesion Fund the studies cited above provided some thematic information for specific programme periods.
2.1 REGIONALISATION: This dataset provides the most complete historic picture available to date on the annual EU payments made - in EUR in current prices of the year in question (not adjusted or expressed as “in 2015 prices”) - under different shared management funds mapped to or estimated by NUTS-2 regions;
=> presented in the column "EU_payment_annual".
=> presented in the column "EU_payment_annual".
The work undertaken to regionalise the payment data is predominantly based on the NUTS-2013 version as described in the final report of the 2016 WIIW study (link below). In case the EU funded programmes covered more than one NUTS-2 region the regionalisation of the payments was carried out using either (1) regionalised data provided by the managing authorities or (2) the application of certain apportioning rules to the payments in order to estimate the share of the payment by NUTS-2 region.
In regionalising the data, information on the specific national or regional funding programme, which were the source of the payments, was not retained in the processing of the dataset.
2.2 MODELLING OF “REAL” EXPENDITURE: The yearly breakdown of the dataset follows the cycle of the European Commission payments to the Member States and not the date on which real expenditures took place on the ground. This characteristic may negatively affect any subsequent analytic work to carry out policy assessments.
2.2 MODELLING OF “REAL” EXPENDITURE: The yearly breakdown of the dataset follows the cycle of the European Commission payments to the Member States and not the date on which real expenditures took place on the ground. This characteristic may negatively affect any subsequent analytic work to carry out policy assessments.
In order to develop a more realistic estimate of the annual profile of real expenditure, the Commission tasked BERGEN to undertake work to develop a modelling of the “real” annual expenditure on the ground, and to test the robustness and sensitivity of assumptions used (see link to final report below).
=> the modelled annual expenditure is presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure" and it represents the mean of 100 000 simulations on the annual EU payments to estimate real expenditure.
=> The column "Standard_Deviation_of modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the standard deviation of the “modelled_annual_expenditure" which is the root mean square of the set of deviations between each estimated annual payment in 100 000 simulations and the mean of the estimations, presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure”.
=> The column "Standard_Error_of_modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the Standard Error of the "Modelled_annual_expenditure", which is a measure of how far this mean is likely to be from its expected value; that is, its scatter in repeated ex
=> the modelled annual expenditure is presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure" and it represents the mean of 100 000 simulations on the annual EU payments to estimate real expenditure.
=> The column "Standard_Deviation_of modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the standard deviation of the “modelled_annual_expenditure" which is the root mean square of the set of deviations between each estimated annual payment in 100 000 simulations and the mean of the estimations, presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure”.
=> The column "Standard_Error_of_modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the Standard Error of the "Modelled_annual_expenditure", which is a measure of how far this mean is likely to be from its expected value; that is, its scatter in repeated ex
March 7 2024
Filtered View
1. PURPOSE: This data set provides, in a single source, regionalised (NUTS-2) annual EU expenditure data (in current prices) for specific EU funds - ERDF, Cohesion Fund, EAFRD/EAGGF and ESF. This data can be used, among other purposes, to facilitate analysis on the effects of the EU funds.
In terms of the regionalisation of EU payments made, this work expands and replaces data sets previous published on the ERDF and Cohesion fund with additional years and additional EU funds.
The following studies on ERDF and Cohesion fund expenditure are to a large extent now superseded:
- "Geography of expenditure" Work Package 13 of the ERDF and CF ex-post evaluation 2007-2013 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/evaluations/ec/2007-2013/#13
- "Final Report - ERDF and CF Regional Expenditure" (2000-2006) - SWECo 2008 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/pdf/expost2006/expenditure_final.pdf
- "The Territorial Effects of the Structural Funds" (1994-1999) - ESPON 2005, study 2.2.1 - http://www.espon.eu/main/Menu_Projects/Menu_ESPON2006Projects/Menu_PolicyImpactProjects/structuralfundsimpact.html
The following studies on ERDF and Cohesion fund expenditure are to a large extent now superseded:
- "Geography of expenditure" Work Package 13 of the ERDF and CF ex-post evaluation 2007-2013 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/evaluations/ec/2007-2013/#13
- "Final Report - ERDF and CF Regional Expenditure" (2000-2006) - SWECo 2008 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/pdf/expost2006/expenditure_final.pdf
- "The Territorial Effects of the Structural Funds" (1994-1999) - ESPON 2005, study 2.2.1 - http://www.espon.eu/main/Menu_Projects/Menu_ESPON2006Projects/Menu_PolicyImpactProjects/structuralfundsimpact.html
The dataset does not contain any identification of the thematic nature of the investments made. This is because there was no harmonised system or information available across funds and across programme periods to estimate the thematic composition of the investments. For the ERDF and Cohesion Fund the studies cited above provided some thematic information for specific programme periods.
2.1 REGIONALISATION: This dataset provides the most complete historic picture available to date on the annual EU payments made - in EUR in current prices of the year in question (not adjusted or expressed as “in 2015 prices”) - under different shared management funds mapped to or estimated by NUTS-2 regions;
=> presented in the column "EU_payment_annual".
=> presented in the column "EU_payment_annual".
The work undertaken to regionalise the payment data is predominantly based on the NUTS-2013 version as described in the final report of the 2016 WIIW study (link below). In case the EU funded programmes covered more than one NUTS-2 region the regionalisation of the payments was carried out using either (1) regionalised data provided by the managing authorities or (2) the application of certain apportioning rules to the payments in order to estimate the share of the payment by NUTS-2 region.
In regionalising the data, information on the specific national or regional funding programme, which were the source of the payments, was not retained in the processing of the dataset.
2.2 MODELLING OF “REAL” EXPENDITURE: The yearly breakdown of the dataset follows the cycle of the European Commission payments to the Member States and not the date on which real expenditures took place on the ground. This characteristic may negatively affect any subsequent analytic work to carry out policy assessments.
2.2 MODELLING OF “REAL” EXPENDITURE: The yearly breakdown of the dataset follows the cycle of the European Commission payments to the Member States and not the date on which real expenditures took place on the ground. This characteristic may negatively affect any subsequent analytic work to carry out policy assessments.
In order to develop a more realistic estimate of the annual profile of real expenditure, the Commission tasked BERGEN to undertake work to develop a modelling of the “real” annual expenditure on the ground, and to test the robustness and sensitivity of assumptions used (see link to final report below).
=> the modelled annual expenditure is presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure" and it represents the mean of 100 000 simulations on the annual EU payments to estimate real expenditure.
=> The column "Standard_Deviation_of modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the standard deviation of the “modelled_annual_expenditure" which is the root mean square of the set of deviations between each estimated annual payment in 100 000 simulations and the mean of the estimations, presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure”.
=> The column "Standard_Error_of_modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the Standard Error of the "Modelled_annual_expenditure", which is a measure of how far this mean is likely to be from its expected value; that is, its scatter in repeated ex
=> the modelled annual expenditure is presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure" and it represents the mean of 100 000 simulations on the annual EU payments to estimate real expenditure.
=> The column "Standard_Deviation_of modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the standard deviation of the “modelled_annual_expenditure" which is the root mean square of the set of deviations between each estimated annual payment in 100 000 simulations and the mean of the estimations, presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure”.
=> The column "Standard_Error_of_modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the Standard Error of the "Modelled_annual_expenditure", which is a measure of how far this mean is likely to be from its expected value; that is, its scatter in repeated ex
March 7 2024
Filtered View
1. PURPOSE: This data set provides, in a single source, regionalised (NUTS-2) annual EU expenditure data (in current prices) for specific EU funds - ERDF, Cohesion Fund, EAFRD/EAGGF and ESF. This data can be used, among other purposes, to facilitate analysis on the effects of the EU funds.
In terms of the regionalisation of EU payments made, this work expands and replaces data sets previous published on the ERDF and Cohesion fund with additional years and additional EU funds.
The following studies on ERDF and Cohesion fund expenditure are to a large extent now superseded:
- "Geography of expenditure" Work Package 13 of the ERDF and CF ex-post evaluation 2007-2013 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/evaluations/ec/2007-2013/#13
- "Final Report - ERDF and CF Regional Expenditure" (2000-2006) - SWECo 2008 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/pdf/expost2006/expenditure_final.pdf
- "The Territorial Effects of the Structural Funds" (1994-1999) - ESPON 2005, study 2.2.1 - http://www.espon.eu/main/Menu_Projects/Menu_ESPON2006Projects/Menu_PolicyImpactProjects/structuralfundsimpact.html
The following studies on ERDF and Cohesion fund expenditure are to a large extent now superseded:
- "Geography of expenditure" Work Package 13 of the ERDF and CF ex-post evaluation 2007-2013 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/evaluations/ec/2007-2013/#13
- "Final Report - ERDF and CF Regional Expenditure" (2000-2006) - SWECo 2008 - http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/pdf/expost2006/expenditure_final.pdf
- "The Territorial Effects of the Structural Funds" (1994-1999) - ESPON 2005, study 2.2.1 - http://www.espon.eu/main/Menu_Projects/Menu_ESPON2006Projects/Menu_PolicyImpactProjects/structuralfundsimpact.html
The dataset does not contain any identification of the thematic nature of the investments made. This is because there was no harmonised system or information available across funds and across programme periods to estimate the thematic composition of the investments. For the ERDF and Cohesion Fund the studies cited above provided some thematic information for specific programme periods.
2.1 REGIONALISATION: This dataset provides the most complete historic picture available to date on the annual EU payments made - in EUR in current prices of the year in question (not adjusted or expressed as “in 2015 prices”) - under different shared management funds mapped to or estimated by NUTS-2 regions;
=> presented in the column "EU_payment_annual".
=> presented in the column "EU_payment_annual".
The work undertaken to regionalise the payment data is predominantly based on the NUTS-2013 version as described in the final report of the 2016 WIIW study (link below). In case the EU funded programmes covered more than one NUTS-2 region the regionalisation of the payments was carried out using either (1) regionalised data provided by the managing authorities or (2) the application of certain apportioning rules to the payments in order to estimate the share of the payment by NUTS-2 region.
In regionalising the data, information on the specific national or regional funding programme, which were the source of the payments, was not retained in the processing of the dataset.
2.2 MODELLING OF “REAL” EXPENDITURE: The yearly breakdown of the dataset follows the cycle of the European Commission payments to the Member States and not the date on which real expenditures took place on the ground. This characteristic may negatively affect any subsequent analytic work to carry out policy assessments.
2.2 MODELLING OF “REAL” EXPENDITURE: The yearly breakdown of the dataset follows the cycle of the European Commission payments to the Member States and not the date on which real expenditures took place on the ground. This characteristic may negatively affect any subsequent analytic work to carry out policy assessments.
In order to develop a more realistic estimate of the annual profile of real expenditure, the Commission tasked BERGEN to undertake work to develop a modelling of the “real” annual expenditure on the ground, and to test the robustness and sensitivity of assumptions used (see link to final report below).
=> the modelled annual expenditure is presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure" and it represents the mean of 100 000 simulations on the annual EU payments to estimate real expenditure.
=> The column "Standard_Deviation_of modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the standard deviation of the “modelled_annual_expenditure" which is the root mean square of the set of deviations between each estimated annual payment in 100 000 simulations and the mean of the estimations, presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure”.
=> The column "Standard_Error_of_modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the Standard Error of the "Modelled_annual_expenditure", which is a measure of how far this mean is likely to be from its expected value; that is, its scatter in repeated ex
=> the modelled annual expenditure is presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure" and it represents the mean of 100 000 simulations on the annual EU payments to estimate real expenditure.
=> The column "Standard_Deviation_of modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the standard deviation of the “modelled_annual_expenditure" which is the root mean square of the set of deviations between each estimated annual payment in 100 000 simulations and the mean of the estimations, presented in the column "Modelled_annual_expenditure”.
=> The column "Standard_Error_of_modelled_annual_expenditure" provides the Standard Error of the "Modelled_annual_expenditure", which is a measure of how far this mean is likely to be from its expected value; that is, its scatter in repeated ex
March 7 2024
This dataset provides the *planned* EU allocation to categorisation system codes as adopted in ERDF, CF and ESF programmes at the end 2008 and the end of 2015.
The values at the moment of closure of the period 2007-2013 are provided in this dataset: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/2007-2013/ESIF-2007-2013-categorisation-raw-data-from-closur/qt3c-wiyg
Each row presents a volume of EU support allocated to a categorisation dimension codes. The programme documents only provided planned financial information on three dimensions, namely;
- Priority themes (actions supported)
- Form of Finance (grants, loans, etc.)
- Territorial context (urban, rural, etc.)
- Priority themes (actions supported)
- Form of Finance (grants, loans, etc.)
- Territorial context (urban, rural, etc.)
The full categorisation information system 2007-2013 was composed of 5 dimension providing information on:
- Priority themes (activities supported)
- Form of Finance
- Territorial context
- Location (NUTS codes)
- Economic Dimension
Information on the last two dimensions was not provided in the programmes but only in the annual reporting.
- Priority themes (activities supported)
- Form of Finance
- Territorial context
- Location (NUTS codes)
- Economic Dimension
Information on the last two dimensions was not provided in the programmes but only in the annual reporting.
This data is of interest because it allows an analysis of time of the planned use of the EU support by 3 different dimensions. I show the detailed changes in thematic allocation between 2008 and 2015 allowing to look re-progamming.
More background information on the categorisation system 2007-2013 is available here: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/evaluations/data-for-research/
More background information on the categorisation system 2007-2013 is available here: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/evaluations/data-for-research/
May 23 2020
- 100% (1)
- 1988-1993 (4)
- 1994-1999 (4)
- 2000-2006 (4)
- 2007-2013 (150)
- 2010 (1)
- 2014-2020 (129)
- 2014-2020 allocations (35)
- 2019 (2)
- 2020 (1)
- 2021-2027 (4)
- 2021-2027 initial allocations (1)
- 2040 vision (1)
- 8th cohesion report (1)
- 9th cohesion report (1)
- absorption (8)
- accessability statement (1)
- achievements (9)
- administration (1)
- ageing (2)
- agriculture (1)
- aid intensity (2)
- air (1)
- air quality (36)
- airport (1)
- allocations 2021-2027 (1)
- ambulances (1)
- amif (1)
- annual (5)
- annual pre-financing (3)
- area (1)
- article 7 (1)
- awareness (1)
- axis (1)
- bar chart (1)
- benchmarking (2)
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- beyond gdp (3)
- bike lanes (1)
- bike parking (1)
- biodiversity (1)
- biodiversity tracking (2)
- blog (2)
- broadband (36)
- buildings (1)
- business development (34)
- capacity building (1)
- carbon footprint (1)
- carbon intensity (2)
- categories of region (3)
- categorisation (32)
- categorisation data (1)
- categorisation system (1)
- category of region (88)
- cci (3)
- cf (128)
- chronology (1)
- circular economy (2)
- cities (1)
- citizens’ perception (2)
- clean air (1)
- clean energy (1)
- clean transport (4)
- clean urban transport (3)
- climate action (4)
- climate adaptation (4)
- climate change (1)
- climate mitigation (2)
- climate tracking (3)
- clld (1)
- closure (1)
- co-financing (1)
- co2 (3)
- cohesion (5)
- cohesion fund (56)
- cohesion policy (173)
- cohesion report (6)
- cohesion report 9 (1)
- cohesionfund (1)
- commitment plan (1)
- common indicators (21)
- common output (1)
- common result (1)
- communciation (9)
- competitiveness (3)
- convergence (1)
- core (3)
- core indicators (134)
- coronavirus (5)
- coronavirus response (4)
- costs (3)
- counterfactual (2)
- counting projects; detailed themes; operations (1)
- coverage (1)
- covid (13)
- covid pandemic (1)
- covid vaccine (1)
- covid-19 (19)
- covid19 (7)
- cpr article 42 (1)
- cr9 (6)
- creating charts (1)
- crii (9)
- crii+ (2)
- cross-cutting_themes (1)
- culture