The cohesion policy funds may support actions necessary for the effective administration and use of these funds. Technical assistance (TA) may include actions to support capacity building of the partners, as well as financing for functions such as preparation, training, management, monitoring, evaluation, visibility and communication related to programming (Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) Article 36 & Article 37).
In total an EU amount of nearly EUR 14 billion is planned (as of December 2024) for technical assistance - almost 4% of the cohesion policy budget 2021-2027.
Explore the technical assistance allocations under national, regional and territorial cooperation programmes using this data story.
Technical assistance allocated by fund
Support for technical assistance activities under cohesion policy is made available through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF), Cohesion Fund (CF) and Just Transition Fund (JTF).
The legislation places limits on the proportion of funding from the programmes that can be allocated to technical assistance under CPR Article 36.
Tips to explore the charts:
- use the filter top right of the chart to filter by country, programme, etc.;
- use the drill up/down buttons top left to see totals by country and programme or click on the bars to explore specific funds, countries interactively; reset the chart to default with the back arrow button;
- use the chart/table toggle buttons bottom left to switch to a table view and to copy/paste the values.
Forms of technical assistance (Article 36)
In 2021-2027 technical assistance can be reimbursed to a member state in one of two ways:
- On the basis of real costs (costs actually incurred by beneficiaries of technical assistance) - CPR Article 36.4 & Article 51 (b)
- In a simplified way as a flat-rate financing based on the implementation of a programme (as % of programme's expenditure) - CPR Article 36.5 & Article 51 (e)
The member states made the choice of the form of Union contribution for technical assistance in the partnership agreement.
TA based on real costs
Thirteen member states have chosen to programme TA based on real costs.
TA based on flat-rate financing
Fourteen member states have chosen the option of TA based on flat-rate financing proportional to progress in the investment expenditure declared under the programme priorities. Interreg programmes all use flat-rate TA.
Additional technical assistance - Article 37 - FNLC
Based on CPR Article 37, the member state may undertake additional technical assistance actions to reinforce the capacity and efficiency of public authorities and bodies, beneficiaries and relevant partners necessary for the effective administration and use of the funds. Support for such actions shall be implemented by financing not linked to costs (FNLC) in accordance with Article 95.
The three member states implementing additional TA actions based on financing not linked to costs actions are presented in the chart.
More information
- Inforegio webpage on Capacity building for cohesion policy
Authors: Ieva Cerniute
Data of Text: December 2024