This dataset provides information on planned (planned) financing under the different ESI Funds (2014-2020). The data is taken from the adopted financial table and is broken down by fund, programme, priority axis, thematic objective and category of region (more developed, less developed, etc. where available).
For ERDF, ESF and CF the "priority" columns relate to the priority axis (financing blocks) in the programmes; the "investment priority" related to the fixed lists of defined investment objectives set in the three specific fund Regulations.
For the European Agricultural fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) detail is also provided by EAFRD "Focus areas" and "Measures" (the EAFRD Focus Areas are detailed in the EAFRD fund Regulation - Article 5 and the EAFRD measures in Article 13-40 of the relevant Implementing Regulation ).
The data now covers 531 programmes available (adopted and draft) as at the beginning of November 2015 and includes the EU and national co-financing covered by the adoption decision. Financial allocations in the programme financial table may change over time (i.e. transfers between themes, between funds) and as a result the dataset will be updated regularly.
For ERDF, ESF and CF the "priority" columns relate to the priority axis (financing blocks) in the programmes; the "investment priority" related to the fixed lists of defined investment objectives set in the three specific fund Regulations.
For the European Agricultural fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) detail is also provided by EAFRD "Focus areas" and "Measures" (the EAFRD Focus Areas are detailed in the EAFRD fund Regulation - Article 5 and the EAFRD measures in Article 13-40 of the relevant Implementing Regulation ).
The data now covers 531 programmes available (adopted and draft) as at the beginning of November 2015 and includes the EU and national co-financing covered by the adoption decision. Financial allocations in the programme financial table may change over time (i.e. transfers between themes, between funds) and as a result the dataset will be updated regularly.
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- Public
- Tags
- esi funds, 2014-2020, fund, programme, priority axis, thematic objective, category of region, erdf, esf, cf, eafrd, emff, yei
- SODA2 Only
- Yes
Licensing and Attribution
- Data Provided By
- European Commission
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