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2014-2020 Cohesion Policy Overview

This page presents aggregated information on cohesion policy (European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund, European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative) on finances (planned and implemented), EU payments made to the member states and achievements (targets, decided and implemented) for the period 2014-2020.

An aggregated presentation of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) 2014-2020 is available on this page.

€531 356 434 888

2014-2020: Cohesion Policy budget by Fund, EUR billion (daily update)
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Budget by Fund13.6%58.0%26.4%00500000000001000000000001500000000002000000000002500000000003000000000000CFERDFESFYEI
2014-2020: Cohesion Policy budget by Theme, EUR billion (daily update)
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€0€5€10€15€20€25€30€35€40€45€50€55€60€65€70Outermost &SparselyPopulatedEfficient PublicAdministrationClimate ChangeAdaptation & RiskPreventionInformation &CommunicationTechnologiesTechnicalAssistanceEnvironmentProtection &ResourceEfficiencyEducational &VocationalTrainingFostering crisisrepair andresilienceLow-CarbonEconomySocial InclusionSustainable &QualityEmploymentCompetitivenessof SMEsResearch &InnovationNetworkInfrastructuresin Transport andEnergy€0€5€10€15€20€25€30€35€40€45€50€55€60€65€70Outermost &SparselyPopulatedEfficient PublicAdministrationClimate ChangeAdaptation & RiskPreventionInformation &CommunicationTechnologiesTechnicalAssistanceEnvironmentProtection &ResourceEfficiencyEducational &VocationalTrainingFostering crisisrepair andresilienceLow-CarbonEconomySocial InclusionSustainable &QualityEmploymentCompetitivenessof SMEsResearch &InnovationNetworkInfrastructuresin Transport andEnergyCFERDFYEIESF
2014-2020: Cohesion Policy budget by Country, EUR billion (daily update)
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Finances planned: detailed

Cohesion policy uses a categorisation system to provide detailed thematic information on the finances planned (and implemented). The detail captured under the 123 "intervention fields" is linked to the high level themes and presented below for the ERDF / ESF / Cohesion Fund / YEI in an interactive sankey chart. TIPS: Click on the chart elements or use the drop down menus to filter by countries, funds, themes, etc. Users can also hold crtl and click selection to select multiple elements. Press "reset selection" in case of non-response.

2014-2020: Cohesion Policy Planned EU financing by detailed themes (categorisation)
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