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Bulgaria, through 10 national programmes, benefits from ESIF funding of EUR 11.1 billion under the 2014-2020 programmes of which EUR 7.9 billion is under cohesion policy funds (as of December 2024). These programmes include additional REACT-EU and EURI funding in 2021-2022. This page includes, in the folders below, charts showing the planned use and implementation of the finances available, the EU payments to Bulgaria and achievements at country level. You can explore further the ESI Funds programmes of the country in the "Programmes" section, where we list also the relevant Interreg programmes for Bulgaria.

Budget adopted for the period:

€13 023 791 586

The planned EU financing, national co-financing and total financing are visible using the filters provided in the blue bar above. Based on the filter chosen the planned financing over the period 2014-2020 is presented below 1) by fund and 2) broken down by major theme. (The source dataset is available on the link ”Explore this dataset”).

ESIF 2014-2020: Bulgaria Budget by Fund, EUR (daily update)
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Budget by Fund19.4%29.1%15.4%34.4%00500000000100000000015000000002000000000250000000030000000003500000000400000000045000000000EMFFYEICFEAFRDESFERDF
ESIF 2014-2020: Total Budget by Theme (daily update): Bulgaria, EUR Billion
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€0€0.2€0.4€0.6€0.8€1€1.2€1.4€1.6€1.8Climate ChangeAdaptation & RiskPreventionEfficient PublicAdministrationResearch &InnovationFostering crisisrepair andresilienceEducational &VocationalTrainingTechnicalAssistanceSustainable &QualityEmploymentSocial InclusionLow-CarbonEconomyCompetitivenessof SMEsNetworkInfrastructuresin Transport andEnergyEnvironmentProtection &ResourceEfficiency€0€0.2€0.4€0.6€0.8€1€1.2€1.4€1.6€1.8Climate ChangeAdaptation & RiskPreventionEfficient PublicAdministrationResearch &InnovationFostering crisisrepair andresilienceEducational &VocationalTrainingTechnicalAssistanceSustainable &QualityEmploymentSocial InclusionLow-CarbonEconomyCompetitivenessof SMEsNetworkInfrastructuresin Transport andEnergyEnvironmentProtection &ResourceEfficiencyCFERDFYEIESF