Page title "2021-2027 Initial cohesion policy EU budget allocations" set against a backgroud of EURO coins

Following the entry into force on 1 July 2021 of the
2021-2027 Cohesion policy legislative framework the Commission adopted decisions on the initial breakdown of the EU budget allocations by country and EU fund on 5 July, 2021. 
The financial allocations (current prices) are presented below showing the EU allocations to different cohesion policy "goals", Member States and EU Funds in a series of interactive charts.
The initial national allocations will be translated into detailed investment plans through the formalisation of national partnership agreements and the detailed national and regional programmes.

1. Cohesion policy: overview by "goal" and other resources

The total cohesion policy "global resources" of EUR 392 billion are presented in the chart across.  All amounts on this page are expressed in “current prices” (i.e. including the indexation if annual amounts over the period).
TIP: Use the filter at top right of the chart to filter the initial allocations by country.
The allocations fall under the following "goals" and headings: 

1) IJG: Investment for jobs and growth goal funded by
- the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF);
- the European Social Fund+ (ESF+);
- the Cohesion Fund;
- the Just Transition Fund (JTF);
2) Interreg: European Territorial Cooperation goal
3) Commission managed EU instruments and technical assistance.

From the total amount
1) EUR 11.3 billion will be transferred to the Connecting Europe Facility and
2) EUR 2.5 billion will be used under Commission managed instruments and EU technical assistance in support of programming (f.i. the JTF budget amount of EUR 19.32 billion is reduced to EUR 19.23 available for programming after deducting EC TA and administrative expenditure).  

Those reduction leave a total
EUR 378 billion for programming under the cohesion policy IJG/JTF and Interreg goals

Below, section 2 presents the IJG/JTF allocations and section 3 presents the Interreg allocations.

2. Goal: Investment for Jobs and Growth (initial allocations by Fund) 

The chart across presents the initial IJG allocations of
EUR 369 billion under cohesion policy by EU funding source.
IJG includes ERDF/ESF+ combined, the Cohesion Fund and the JTF (the transfer to the Connecting Europe Facility is not included).
Note that the Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1131 contains
1) an initial breakdown of ERDF/ESF+ combined allocations by category of region and
2) separately, an initial breakdown of the ERDF and ESF+ allocations.

The 2021-2027 legislation allows for transfers from the initial national allocations between EU funds and also between categories of region. These transfers may take place and can be decided during the approval of the Member States' partnership agreements, as well as during both approval and amendment of  national and regional programmes. 
The separate ERDF and ESF+ initial allocations by fund are presented in aggregate in this chart and  by Member State in this chart.  
TIP: In the chart across you can explore the category of region initial allocations under ERDF/ESF+ by clicking on the pie chart or using the drill up/down menu (top left of the chart). 

IJG categories of region 

Under the 2021-2027 IJG goal the funding under ERDF/ESF+ is focused by category of region.  The 240 NUTS 2 regions in the EU-27 have been designated as less developed, transition or more developed as set out in the chart and map below. 
This dataset contain the list of NUTS 2 regions.
The EU and national eligibility maps are available for download here.   
Tip: The chart below can be filtered by "category of region" or country to see the distribution of NUTS 2 regions.  

Overview of all initial country allocations

The chart below shows the relative (%) importance of the different EU funding strands by country (the absolute initial amounts by country are presented in this chart). 

Given the diverse levels of development and geography the EU funding strands have different levels of importance.
(The Cohesion Fund transfer to the Connecting Europe Facility is excluded.) 

Annual profile of allocations

The initial allocations in current prices are broken down by year in the Commission implementing decisions. The annual profile of the initial allocations by category of region, displayed below, shows a steady rising volume year on year. The JTF annual profile shows higher initial allocations in 2021-2023 linked to the front loading of the NextGenerationEU allocations. 

Tips to download the underlying annual allocation data for a Member State(s):
1. Filter for the country using the filter function (top tight of chart);
2. Choose "summary table" (bottom left of chart);
3. Copy and paste the table to a worksheet;
4. Bear in mind the table may be presented on more than one view screen; use "next" to view subsequent view screens.

3. Goal: European Territorial Cooperation - Interreg

The chart across shows the aggregate ERDF Interreg initial allocations of EUR 9 billion by cooperation strand.

Initially those Interreg allocations were calculated by country.

After consultation with the Member States, the initial EU allocations were allocated in January 2022 to each Interreg programme without national breakdown in this implementing act. The Implementing Act covered allocations under three funds: the ERDF, the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA)  and the Neighbourhood Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI).
The chart on the left below shows the EU budget allocations to the Territorial Cooperation goal under these 3 funds by strand of cooperation. The chart on the right below show the total allocation by programme from the EU budget and has filters to find specific programmes or the specific budget by fund. 
The full details of the EU allocation by fund to each Interreg programme by year is provided in this dataset.   

4. EU Initiatives 

Three Commission managed instruments are also covered by the decision on annual allocations with total financing of EUR 1.2 billion in current prices. 

These instruments are presented in the chart across.

More details

The texts of the Commission Implementing Decisions on allocations are available as follows: 
  1. Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1129 of 5 July 2021 on allocations under Just Transition Fund - OJ L 224/4, 09.07.2021.
    (See the first dataset under point 3 below).
  2. Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1130 of 5 July 2021 on regions eligible for ERDF/ESF+ and Member States eligible for Cohesion fund - OJ L 244/10, 09.07.2021
    The list of eligible regions under Cohesion policy are found in 
    this dataset.
  3. Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1131 of 5 July 2021 on  allocations under cohesion policy funds and goals - OJ L 244/21, 09.07.2021.
    The detailed open dataset of the initial annual EU allocations underpinning the interactive charts above are available in 
    this dataset.
    The initial breakdown of ERDF and ESF+ allocations under IJG is available in this dataset. 
  4. Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/74 of 17 January 2022 setting out the list of Interreg programmes and indicating the global amount of the total support from the European Regional Development Fund and from each external financing instrument of the Union for each programme and the list of the amounts transferred between strands under the European territorial cooperation goal for the period 2021 to 2027  - OJ L 12/151, 19.01.2022The detailed EU allocation by fund to each Interreg programme by year is provided in this dataset.   
The preliminary allocations adopted in the national Partnership Agreements are set out in this datastory.  The final EU financial allocations are presented in the adopted programmes and presented on the Cohesion Open Data Platform 2021-2027 cohesion overview page. Find more news on 2021-2027 programming here
The NextGenerationEU 2021-2022 allocations of around EUR 50 billion to REACT-EU are not included above. Those funds are allocated and governed under 2014-2020 programming rules. Discover more about the REACT-EU allocations and their use in our REACT-EU dashboard.
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Authors:  Tereza KRAUSOVA / John WALSH 
Text:          July 2021
                    August 2022 (ver. 2) revision added detailed Interreg allocations by programme.
                    October 2022 (ver. 3) revision to add links to the data on adopted PAs and adopted programmes.