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2021-2027 Cohesion Policy overview

Under the cohesion policy "investment in jobs and growth" goal the ERDF, ESF+ and Cohesion Fund invest in the five cohesion policy high level "policy objectives". In addition this overview includes the EU allocation under the Just Transition Fund. The data reflects the total and EU allocations in current prices from the latest adopted programmes. The initial EU allocations to the cohesion policy funds (before any transfer of resources) are set out in this datastory.

The ERDF financing of Interreg in the EU27 under the "European territorial cooperation goal" is presented separately on the Interreg page.

This platform also provides open data on other shared management funds: AMIF, BMVI, EMFAF and ISF. Explore those funds from the Funds overview page.

In the folders below, the charts present information on investment plans, EU payments made and achievement targets from adopted programmes.

#CohesionPolicy - #CohesionOpenData


The planned total financing, EU share or national co-financing can be visualised in the charts below using the filter buttons above. Based on the filter chosen the planned financing 2021-2027 is presented below 1) by major theme and 2) by country. (The source dataset is available on the link ”Explore this data”).

2021 2027
Cohesion Policy budget by Fund, EUR billion (daily update)
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2021 2027
Cohesion Policy budget by Theme, EUR billion (daily update)
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2021 2027
Cohesion Policy budget by Country, EUR billion (daily update)
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Finances planned: detailed

Cohesion policy uses a categorisation system to provide detailed thematic information on the finances planned. The detail captured is linked to the high level "policy objectives" and presented below in aggregated for the ERDF, ESF+, Cohesion Fund and JTF in an interactive sankey chart.

TIPS: Click on the chart elements or use the drop down menus to filter by countries, funds, themes, etc. Users can also hold crtl and click selection to select multiple elements. Press "reset selection" in case of non-response.

2021 2027
2021-2027: Cohesion Policy Planned EU financing by detailed themes (categorisation)
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