This data story provides an overview of the EU budget's absorption under "shared management" programmes in terms of net EU payments by Fund and by Member State. It covers the 2014-2020 and the 2021-2027 programming periods respectively (also called Multiannual Financial Frameworks - MFF). 
The data is refreshed each working day to reflect the most recent payment position. All amounts are in current prices. 

2014-2020 programming period

2014-2020 MFF

The Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) 2014-2020 funds included in this report are:
-   Cohesion Fund (CF)
-   European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
-   European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
-   European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
-   European Social Fund (ESF)
-   Fund for European Aid for the Most Deprived (FEAD)
-   Youth Employment Initiative (YEI)

- Overview by Fund

The graph below provides an overview of the total absorption of the 2014-2020 budget by Fund. REACT-EU amounts are reflected separately below.
The EAFRD data provides net payments for the rural development programmes 2014-2020, prolonged until 2022 under the transitional rules. The EAFRD allocation and payment amounts currently combine 2014-2022 MFF and the European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI) amounts. 
Reading the charts and tables:
- The data reflect the latest payment position and may be refreshed each working day. In case there are no new payments on a working day the tables show the latest payment position.
- "ERDF" includes national and Interreg funding. To identify ERDF related Interreg payments look for "TC" (territorial cooperation) in the country table.
- Click the three points at the top right of the charts / tables to download the data or go to the source dataset.

- Overview by Member State

The graph below provides an overview of the total absorption of the 2014-2020 budget by Member State for the same funds presented above.
REACT-EU amounts under ERDF, ESF and FEAD are not included in this tabular overview. 
Country specific EU payment by fund can be found on the cohesion open data fund pages (MFF  + REACT-EU aggregated), with all data provided in more detail in this dataset.
- GR = EL in the 2014-2020 datasets.
- TC = Territorial Cooperation / Interreg funded by ERDF in EU-28. Payments to third countries under IPA and NDICI are not included.

REACT-EU (NextGenerationEU funding)

REACT-EU constitutes additional EU budget resources financed by the EU Recovery Plan - NextGenerationEU.  A further €50 billion (current prices) was allocated in 2021 and 2022 as a top-up to the 2014-2020 cohesion policy  to ERDF and ESF programmes and to FEAD programmes in the Member States .
The legal framework for the implementation of REACT-EU resources is set in the 2014-2020 CPR (Regulation (EU) 1303/2013). Therefore, the same deadlines in terms of eligibility and closure for the MFF part of the programmes apply also to the part financed by REACT-EU.  
The graphs below show the absorption of REACT-EU budgetary envelope (2021-2022 NGEU commitments) by Fund and by Member State. 

- Overview by Fund

- Overview by Member State

- Fund specific EU payment details by Member States (MFF  + REACT-EU) are visible on 
the cohesion open data fund pages and in this dataset
- GR = EL in the 2014-2020 datasets
- No REACT-EU allocations were made in the UK or under Territorial Cooperation / Interreg.

2021-2027 programming period

2021-2027 MFF 

The Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) funds included in this report are:
-   Cohesion Fund (CF)
-   European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)
-   European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
-   European Social Fund (ESF+)
-   Just Transition Fund (JTF)

Reading the charts and tables:
- The data reflect the latest payment position and may be refreshed each working day. In case there are no new payments on a working day the tables show the latest payment position.
- "ERDF" includes national and Interreg funding in the EU27. To identify ERDF related Interreg payments look for "TC" (territorial cooperation) in the country table. Payments to third countries under IPA and NDICI are not included in the tables below.
- Click the three points at the top right of the charts / tables to download the data or go to the source dataset. 

- Overview by Fund

- Overview by Member State

The table below presents an overview by fund of EU budget absorption for each Member State.
- Fund specific EU payment details are visible on the cohesion open data fund pages and in this dataset
- TC = Territorial Cooperation / Interreg funded by ERDF in EU-27. 

More resources

Detailed open datasets on EU payments are available as follows with related summary tables:
To export and reuse data please follow the instructions in the user guide
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Author: REGIO Budget Team
Date of text: February 2024