"Cohesion Open Data" is maintained by the European Commission to share unique, structured data generated from the monitoring of EU Budget funded, shared management programmes. The unique data relates primarily to different forms of financial inputs (planned and implemented) and to outputs and result indicators of the physical results of the funded programmes.
The platform provides tools for creating a range of interactive charts and visuals, without IT programming knowledge. This Guide lays out the steps how to create pie and bar charts as well as examples of other available chart types.
Set the filters (1): This function allow you to set public or hidden filters, by fund, Member States, themes, etc., to focus the chart on the desired topic. Public filters allow users to change Member State, theme, etc.
Data selection (2): There are several steps:
- Select the dimension to be presented in the chart – i.e. Member State, fund, year, etc.;
- Chose the chart type from the central menu. The menu suggests which chart style is most appropriate;
- Chose the measure to display;
- If needed, choose a second measure (or more) per dimension.
Axis and Scale (change the scale) (3): This allows you to adjust the scale, set chart sorting and add reference lines.
Presentation (labelling, formatting, colours) (4): Label the chart, change the formatting and colours used for the different measures displayed.
Formatting legends and flyouts (5): Automatically display the legend; format the flyouts to display a relevant measurement unit.
2. Creating a pie chart
In this exercise, we will create a pie chart showing a breakdown by fund of the total EU contribution, using the dataset ESIF 2014-2020 finances planned details.
1. Access the dataset: Use the "Explore this Data" function to access the data behind an existing chart on the platform (or choose the relevant dataset
from the catalogue).
4. Select a "Measure" (the element you want to compare in your breakdown by Fund). Here we will
compare the EU contribution for the period 2014-2020 for each ESI Fund so the measure will be EU
Amount. "Sum" on the right is used to add all amounts for all OPs related to one fund. Other options
exist (average, minimum and maximum, average or count).
3. Creating a bar chart
In this example, we will create a bar chart showing a breakdown of EU contributions by Member States, using the dataset ESIF 2014-2020 finances planned details.
The first two steps in creating a bar chart are the same as when creating a pie chart.
1. To access the dataset, use the "Explore this Data" function to access it (or choose a dataset from the catalogue).
2. Click on "Visualize" and select "Create Visualization".
4. Select a "Measure" (the element you want to compare is the amount EU contribution). Here we will compare the EU contribution for the period 2014-2020 to each Member State so the measure will be EU Amount.
The option "Sum" on the right adds all amounts for all OPs related to one fund. Other options are also available (average, minimum and maximum, average or count).
4. Examples of other charts
Below other chart types are presented that can be created on the platform.
Scatterplot chart
This chart presents correlation between GDP per capita and social progress, it is found in this datastory: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/d/8qk9-xq96
Time series chart
This chart presents changes in EU health allocations over time (timeseries) and is found in this datastory: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/stories/s/qyuv-h9j2
Line chart
This chart illustrates the evolution of European Regional Competitiveness Index and it is found in this datastory: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/d/363v-4uq6
Column chart
The stacked column chart presents the contributions to RDT activities, it can be found in this datastory: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/stories/s/kkj2-8bik
5. Resources + Contacts
DG REGIO: Find out more about #CohesionOpenData: Website - Blog - FAQ - User Guide to ODP - User guide to visualisation - Browse data stories
- A guide to showcasing investment tracking through visualizations: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/stories/s/wjiv-jyr9
- Information on scatterplot charts: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/stories/s/ckvj-tgra
Date of text: April 2022
Authors: Iluta BADERE, John WALSH
E-mail: regio-webmaster@ec.europa.eu