1. What is the categorisation system used for?
2. What does the 2021-2027 categorisation system look like?
- Intervention fields (*): 182 codes identifying the scope of investments;
- Form of support (*): 6 codes identifying whether investments are delivered through grants or financial instruments;
- Territorial delivery mechanism and territorial focus (*): 33 codes identifying the territorial context (urban neighbourhood, mountainous area, ...) of the operation and the territorial tool applied;
- Economic activity: 26 codes identifying the sector ultimately benefitting from the support;
- Location: Indicates the location of the operation using the NUTS nomenclature;
- ESF+ secondary theme (*): 10 codes identifying the secondary objectives of ESF+ interventions;
- Gender equality (*): 3 codes indicating the intensity of support to gender equality measures;
- Macro-regional and Sea-basin strategies: 11 codes indicating the contribution of the investments to these strategies.
All dimension codes are listed in the 2021-2027 Cohesion financial categorisation system metadata dataset:
3. What questions does the categorisation system help answer?
Coverage of the planned financial data by dimension
- Intervention fields
- Gender Equality
- Territorial delivery mechanism / territorial focus
- Form of support
- and ESF+ secondary theme for ESF+ programmes
- The sum of EUR allocations to ESF+ secondary theme codes exceeds the total ESF+ allocated in cases where several secondary themes are relevant.
- The dimensions "Territorial delivery mechanism / territorial focus" and "Form of support" are not provided in adopted programmes for Technical assistance.
- Interreg programmes do not encode the Gender equality dimension
- The specific objective ESO4.13 - addressing material derivation was not required to provided categorisation data. Shadow Intervention field values (Code 999) have been created by the Commission to complete the ESF+ allocations.
Use the filters in the chart below to see the data EU funding coverage by dimension by MS (country) Policy Objective, Specific Objective, fund and intervention field (category short title).
Dimension 1: Intervention field
- Use the filters (top right of chart) to filter by fund, MS (country), Intervention field category/ies or programme;
- Use the drill down/up buttons (top left of chart) explore by MS (country) /programme;
- You can also click on a fund bar to drill down to explore by MS (country) / programme;
- You can apply a drill down after selecting a filter
- Use the chart/table toggle buttons (bottom left) to see a table of the the data visualised in the chart. Copy paste the values to extract the values (NB there may be more than one page of values).
Dimension 2: Form of support
There are 6 codes for "form of support". Grants are the most popular form of support overall.
Dimension 3: Territorial delivery mechanism and territorial focus
The dimension is composed of 33 codes.
- Sustainable Urban Development (SUD codes) - see this dedicated data story.
- Integrated approaches under Integrated Territorial Initiatives (ITIs) and Community Led Local Development (CLLD)
Dimension 4: Economic activity
Dimension 5: Location
Dimension 6: ESF+ Secondary Theme
Under the ESF+ 10 secondary theme codes are available in programming.
Dimension 7: Gender equality
There are 3 codes in the gender equality dimension. Over 30% (EUR 110 billion) of all cohesion policy investments will support gender equality in the 2021-2027 period, either through direct gender equality measures or gender mainstreaming. The table below presents the contribution of the three funds to gender equality. It distinguishes between gender mainstreaming and gender targeting measures. The ESF+ is the largest contributing fund under the gender equality dimension. The Interreg programmes are not required to report planned values under this dimension in programming.
Dimension 8: Macro-regional and Sea-basin strategies
4. The evolution of the categorisation system
- The categorisation system was composed of 5 dimensions;
- Categorisation information was only collected with reference to planned investments;
- No formal tracking systems;
- Allocations to categorisation dimensions and codes reported in the 2007-2013 Final reports:
Data set.
- The categorisation system was composed of 8 dimensions;
- Annual reporting on categorisation of selected investments and declared expenditure;
- Formal climate tracking, with Rio markers associated to intervention fields by the legislation (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 215/2014).Informal biodiversity, clean air and digital tracking.
- Resources:
- The categorisation system is still composed of 8 dimensions, but the two territorial dimensions were merged, and thematic objectives abandoned. The "Gender equality" and "Macro-regional and Sea-basin strategies" were added.
- Information on categorisation of selected investments and declared expenditure will be reported five times per year.
- Formal climate and environmental tracking established by
CPR Annex I .
Informal biodiversity, clean air and digital tracking.
5. Find out more about cohesion policy's categorisation system 2014-2020
6. More information
The first financial categorisation data from the adopted programmes (planned investments) was published here in October 2022.
Once programmes are adopted they will then begin to report categorisation data on implementation. The data on implementations is planned to be published in mid 2024 (after one year of implementation) and will afterwards be refreshed regularly.
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Author: Caterina SCARPA