Under the broad theme of information & communication technologies the ERDF and EAFRD invest in a range of investment priorities and union priorities to enhance access to and use and quality of information and communication technologies (ICT). More details on the range of specific Investment Priorities and Union Priorities are found in the fund regulations. (Under other themes the ESF through investment in digital literacy, education and training also contributes to human capital development.)
- Finances: Planned
- Finances: Implemented
- Achievements
- Projects
Theme Budget for 2014-2020:
€16 790 324 231
The planned EU financing, national co-financing and total financing are visible using the filters provided in the blue bar above. Based on the filter chosen the planned financing over the period 2014-2020 is presented below 1) by fund and 2) broken down by major theme. (The source dataset is available on the link ”Explore this dataset”).